September 24, 2023First of all: In the picture is Karoko, my dear sister, who we love to visit when we are in Kenya. She has been independent, strong and organized for as long as I can remember.
Karoko has always supported and empowered me. She was and is always there for me. A sister I wish for everyone.
Karoko is only 2 years older than me, which means we have experienced a lot together. Today you would think I’m older because she doesn’t have any wrinkles at all 🙂 – we notice again and again.
What also connects me with Karoko is that she
enjoys engaging in conversations, taking a look into the past, and then consciously letting go.
When we meet today, it feels so good to question our memories. We also laugh a lot.
Some episodes remain unexplained. But over time, we are able to put ourselves in the perspective of others who seemed “weird” to us.
We are still able to experience the other view unbiasedly by asking each other: what was your perception at the time?
The answers confirm that there are at least two sides to a story. My view may have been limited back then. When Karoko explains her point of view to me, the situation no longer seems “bad”.
This means we understand some things much better.
Then we forgive, first and foremost, ourselves.
Then we look forward again.
Even today, when dealing with diversity and the associated challenges, when I put myself in the role of the “rejector” and ask: “What is your motive?”, I realize that most of it has nothing to do with me personally.
I often manage to either reach my counterpart with different arguments or consciously let go.
Then I look forward again.
What about you?
Are you sticking to the side of the story you know?
Or are you ready to know the other side of the stories?
Maybe you also have a “Karoko” with whom you can talk freely about a situation that is bothering you or inhibiting you.
When my husband says to me in everyday life today, “I’ll consciously show you the other side…” I’m skeptical at first, but the result is liberating. Empowering.
For me, challenging your own perspective is a powerful tool for achieving shared success in a society as diverse as ours.
PS: Verena Witte: Thank you so much for this spontaneous picture you took of me and Karoko in Migori😊 ❤️